I offer individual counseling services during daytime and evening hours. I am licensed in Colorado and Wisconsin. I am offering telehealth and in person therapy sessions in Colorado, and virtual sessions for Wisconsin clients.

My personal goal is to schedule an appointment within 2 weeks of initial contact.


Individual therapy 55 minutes - $160


I am in network with United Health Care, Aetna (contracted through Alma) and The Alliance (WI).

How long will I be in therapy?

Typically, I ask clients to commit to 4-6 weekly sessions to develop a relationship, gain a deep understanding of the presenting issues, and to begin to implement some changes and utilize strategies discussed during our sessions. Beyond those weekly sessions, some clients may continue weekly, while others may switch to every other week, or less frequently, depending on their need and preference. 

Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy Sessions

Individual Ketamine Session: each medicine session is 3 hours and the cost is $480 per session.

Group Ketamine Session: please reach out to me directly


Pricing starts at $500 and includes a 30 minute planning session together, 90 minutes of my own planning and preparation time and 60 minutes of ceremony.